Combinatorial Algorithms & Data Structures | CS 270, Spring 2021
0University CoursesAlgorithm
Explore advanced algorithmic techniques and their applications in machine learning and data analysis. Learn gradient descent, linear algebra, and more in this comprehensive course.
Artificial Intelligence for Robotics | MOOC - Udacity
0University CoursesArtificial IntelligenceRobotics
Learn the fundamentals of AI and its applications in robotics through hands-on projects and expert-led instruction from Udacity.
Introduction to Machine Learning | Data Mining | Predictive Analytics
0University CoursesMachine LearningMatlab
Explore the fundamental concepts of machine learning and data mining. Prepare for research or industry applications with a broad range of models and algorithms.
Mobile Sensing and Robotics | Bonn University Course
0University CoursesRobotics
Comprehensive course on mobile sensing and robotics, covering sensor technologies, localization, mapping, and navigation. Hands-on demonstrations and practical exercises.
Introduction to Feedback Control Systems | CMU 16-299 | Spring 2022
0University CoursesControl TheoryRobotics
Explore the fundamentals of feedback control systems with intuitive concepts and hands-on lab components in this course by Chris Atkeson at Carnegie Mellon University.
Robot Dynamics | Advanced Robotics Course - CMU
0University CoursesControl SystemsRobotics
Explore the fundamental principles and techniques of robot dynamics, including kinematics, kinetics, and control. Gain hands-on experience with practical examples and case studies.
Optimal Control Theory | Carnegie Mellon University
0University CoursesControl SystemsRobotics
Comprehensive overview of optimal control theory, covering continuous-time and discrete-time systems. Hands-on exercises and insights from experienced CMU instructors.
Model Predictive Control Course | EPFL Engineering
0University CoursesControl SystemsRobotics
Comprehensive course on the fundamentals of model predictive control (MPC), taught by a leading expert at EPFL. Hands-on exercises and industry-standard software.
Autonomous Vehicle System Engineering | UIUC CS 588 by David Forsyth
0University CoursesComputer VisionDeep LearningRobotics
Comprehensive course on autonomous vehicle design, covering deep learning, computer vision, and control theory. Hands-on projects and simulations for practical experience.