
Explore a variety of playgrounds for Linux OS, development IDEs, and applications

Ubuntu Desktop Playground

Ubuntu Desktop Playground

Operating Systems
## Introduction Ubuntu Desktop is a free and open-source operating system based on Debian Linux. It is designed for personal computers and provides a user-friendly graphical interface for everyday tasks such as web browsing, document editing, and multimedia management. ## Quick Start To use the Ubuntu Desktop Playground on the GetVM website, follow these steps: 1. Visit the GetVM website and locate the "Ubuntu Desktop" Playground environment. 2. Click on the "Start" button to launch the Ubuntu Desktop Playground. 3. Once the environment is loaded, you will be presented with a fully functional Ubuntu Desktop interface. 4. You can now explore the various applications and features of Ubuntu Desktop, such as the file manager, web browser, and office suite. 5. To save your work or exit the Playground, simply click on the "Stop" button. ## FAQ 1. **What are the system requirements for using the Ubuntu Desktop Playground?** - The Ubuntu Desktop Playground is a cloud-based environment, so there are no specific hardware requirements. You can access it from any device with a web browser. 2. **Can I save my work in the Ubuntu Desktop Playground?** - The Ubuntu Desktop Playground is a temporary environment, and any changes you make will not be saved permanently. If you need to save your work, you can download it or use a cloud storage service. 3. **Is the Ubuntu Desktop Playground suitable for advanced users?** - The Ubuntu Desktop Playground is primarily designed for beginners and those who want to explore the Ubuntu Desktop environment. While it provides a full-featured Ubuntu Desktop, it may not offer the same level of customization and control as a locally installed Ubuntu system. 4. **Can I install additional software in the Ubuntu Desktop Playground?** - Yes, you can install additional software in the Ubuntu Desktop Playground using the built-in package manager. However, keep in mind that any installed software will not be saved permanently. 5. **Is the Ubuntu Desktop Playground secure?** - The Ubuntu Desktop Playground is a shared environment, so it is important to exercise caution when handling sensitive information or performing critical tasks. It is recommended to use the Playground for learning and experimentation purposes only. ## Discord Welcome to the GetVM Discord server! You can ask questions, share your projects, and get help from the community. Join us at [](
VS Code Playground

VS Code Playground

## Introduction Visual Studio Code (VS Code) is a free, open-source, and cross-platform code editor developed by Microsoft. It is widely used by developers for writing, testing, and debugging code across various programming languages and platforms. ## Quick Start The VS Code Playground provided by GetVM offers a free online environment based on the Linux operating system, allowing users to explore and practice using VS Code without the need for local installation. To get started with the VS Code Playground: 1. Visit the GetVM website and access the VS Code Playground. 2. The playground will provide a pre-configured VS Code environment, ready for you to start coding. 3. You can create new files, write code, and experiment with various VS Code features and extensions. 4. The playground also provides access to a terminal, enabling you to run and test your code directly within the environment. ## FAQ 1. **What are the system requirements for the VS Code Playground?** - The VS Code Playground is a web-based environment, so it does not have any specific system requirements beyond a modern web browser. 2. **Can I save my work in the VS Code Playground?** - The VS Code Playground is a temporary environment, and any changes you make will not be saved permanently. It is recommended to download or sync your work to a local storage solution if you need to preserve your code. 3. **Are there any limitations in the VS Code Playground?** - The VS Code Playground provides a basic, pre-configured environment for exploring VS Code. It may not have all the features and customization options available in a locally installed version of VS Code. 4. **Can I install additional extensions in the VS Code Playground?** - Yes, you can install additional extensions in the VS Code Playground, but any extensions you install will only be available for the current session and will not be saved. ## Discord Welcome to the GetVM Discord server! You can ask questions, share your projects, and get help from the community. Join us at [](
Linux Terminal Playground

Linux Terminal Playground

Operating Systems
## Introduction Linux Terminal is a command-line interface (CLI) that allows users to interact with the Linux operating system. It provides a powerful and flexible way to perform various tasks, from system administration to software development. ## Quick Start To use the Linux Terminal Playground on the GetVM website, follow these steps: 1. Visit the GetVM website and navigate to the Linux Terminal Playground. 2. The playground will provide you with a pre-configured Linux environment that you can use to practice and experiment with various terminal commands. 3. Start typing commands in the terminal window to explore the Linux system, manage files and directories, run programs, and more. 4. The playground environment is designed to be easy to use, with helpful tips and resources available to guide you through the learning process. ## FAQ 1. **What is the purpose of the Linux Terminal Playground?** The Linux Terminal Playground is a free online environment that allows users to learn and practice using the Linux terminal without the need to install a full Linux operating system on their local machine. 2. **What features are available in the Linux Terminal Playground?** The playground provides a pre-configured Linux environment with a variety of tools and utilities installed, allowing users to explore and practice a wide range of terminal commands and tasks. 3. **Is the Linux Terminal Playground suitable for beginners?** Yes, the Linux Terminal Playground is designed to be user-friendly and accessible for both beginners and experienced users. It provides a safe and controlled environment for users to experiment and learn at their own pace. 4. **Can I save my work or progress in the Linux Terminal Playground?** The Linux Terminal Playground is a temporary environment, so any changes or work done within the playground will not be saved. It is recommended to use the playground for learning and practice, but not for long-term projects or critical tasks. 5. **Are there any limitations or restrictions in the Linux Terminal Playground?** The playground may have some limitations or restrictions in place to ensure a safe and controlled learning environment. Users should be aware that they may not have access to all system resources or functionality that would be available in a full Linux installation. ## Discord Welcome to the GetVM Discord server! You can ask questions, share your projects, and get help from the community. Join us at [](
Jupter Notebook Playground

Jupter Notebook Playground

Data Science and Machine Learning
## Introduction Jupyter Notebook is an open-source web application that allows users to create and share documents that contain live code, visualizations, and narrative text. It is widely used in the field of data science, machine learning, and scientific computing. ## Quick Start The GetVM website provides a free online Jupyter Notebook Playground environment based on the Linux operating system, which helps users better learn and practice Jupyter Notebook. To use the Jupyter Notebook Playground: 1. Visit the GetVM website and access the Jupyter Notebook Playground. 2. You will be presented with a pre-configured Jupyter Notebook environment. 3. Start exploring the Jupyter Notebook features by creating new notebooks, writing code, and running cells. 4. Take advantage of the various libraries and tools available in the Playground to experiment and learn. ## FAQ 1. **What is the purpose of the Jupyter Notebook Playground?** The Jupyter Notebook Playground is designed to provide users with a free and accessible environment to learn and experiment with Jupyter Notebook without the need to set up a local environment. 2. **What programming languages are supported in the Jupyter Notebook Playground?** The Jupyter Notebook Playground supports a variety of programming languages, including Python, R, and Julia, among others. 3. **Can I save my work in the Jupyter Notebook Playground?** Yes, you can save your work in the Jupyter Notebook Playground. However, please note that the environment is temporary, and any unsaved work may be lost when you exit the Playground. 4. **Is the Jupyter Notebook Playground available 24/7?** The Jupyter Notebook Playground is generally available 24/7, but there may be occasional downtime for maintenance or updates. It's recommended to check the GetVM website for any service disruptions. 5. **Can I install additional libraries or packages in the Jupyter Notebook Playground?** The Jupyter Notebook Playground comes with a pre-configured set of libraries and packages. While you can use these libraries in your notebooks, you may not be able to install additional packages in the Playground environment. ## Discord Welcome to the GetVM Discord server! You can ask questions, share your projects, and get help from the community. Join us at [](
Python Playground

Python Playground

Programming Languages
## Introduction Python is a high-level, general-purpose programming language that is widely used for a variety of applications, including web development, data analysis, artificial intelligence, and more. It is known for its simplicity, readability, and ease of use, making it a popular choice for beginners and experienced programmers alike. ## Quick Start The Python Playground provided by GetVM is a free online environment that allows users to write, execute, and experiment with Python code directly in their web browser. To get started, simply visit the Python Playground website and you'll be presented with a code editor and a console where you can run your Python scripts. Here's a quick example to get you started: 1. In the code editor, type the following Python code: ```python print("Hello, World!") ``` 2. Click the "Run" button to execute the code. 3. You should see the output "Hello, World!" displayed in the console. From there, you can start exploring more advanced Python concepts and features, and use the Playground to practice and experiment with your code. ## FAQ 1. **What operating system is the Python Playground based on?** The Python Playground is based on a Linux operating system, providing a secure and versatile environment for running Python code. 2. **Is the Python Playground free to use?** Yes, the Python Playground is a free-to-use online environment provided by GetVM. 3. **Can I save my code and come back to it later?** Unfortunately, the Python Playground does not currently offer the ability to save your code. Any code you write will be lost when you leave the website. 4. **Are there any limitations or restrictions on the Python Playground?** The Python Playground is designed for educational and experimentation purposes, so there may be some limitations on the types of code or libraries you can use. However, it should provide a robust and flexible environment for learning and practicing Python. ## Discord Welcome to the GetVM Discord server! You can ask questions, share your projects, and get help from the community. Join us at [](
Debian Bookworm Playground

Debian Bookworm Playground

Operating Systems
## Introduction Debian Bookworm is the upcoming stable release of the Debian Linux distribution, scheduled for release in 2023. It is the 12th major version of Debian and will succeed the current stable release, Debian Bullseye. ## Quick Start The Debian Bookworm Playground provided by GetVM offers a free online environment for users to learn and practice working with the Debian Bookworm operating system. To use the Debian Bookworm Playground: 1. Visit the GetVM website and access the Debian Bookworm Playground. 2. You will be presented with a web-based terminal or console where you can interact with the Debian Bookworm system. 3. Use the terminal to explore the Debian Bookworm environment, run commands, and practice your skills. ## FAQ 1. **What is the purpose of the Debian Bookworm Playground?** The Debian Bookworm Playground is designed to provide users with a free, online environment to learn and experiment with the upcoming Debian Bookworm release without the need to set up a local Debian Bookworm system. 2. **Is the Debian Bookworm Playground updated regularly?** The Debian Bookworm Playground is updated to reflect the latest developments and changes in the Debian Bookworm release as it progresses towards its final stable version. 3. **Can I save my work in the Debian Bookworm Playground?** The Debian Bookworm Playground is a temporary environment, and any changes or work done within it will not be saved. It is recommended to use the Playground for learning and experimentation purposes only. 4. **Are there any limitations or restrictions in the Debian Bookworm Playground?** The Debian Bookworm Playground may have some limitations or restrictions in place to ensure a secure and stable environment for users. It is recommended to check the Playground's documentation or contact the GetVM support team for more information. ## Discord Welcome to the GetVM Discord server! You can ask questions, share your projects, and get help from the community. Join us at [](
Fedora 40 Playground

Fedora 40 Playground

Operating Systems
## Introduction Fedora 40 is the latest version of the Fedora Linux distribution, a community-driven operating system sponsored by Red Hat. It offers a modern, open-source, and user-friendly environment for developers, enthusiasts, and professionals in the computing field. ## Quick Start The Fedora 40 Playground provided by GetVM offers an online, browser-based environment to explore and experiment with Fedora 40 without the need for local installation. To get started: 1. Access the Fedora 40 Playground on the GetVM website. 2. You will be presented with a pre-configured Fedora 40 virtual machine ready for use. 3. Explore the desktop environment, install software, and practice your Linux skills in this sandbox environment. 4. The Playground provides access to a full-fledged Fedora 40 system, allowing you to test commands, run applications, and familiarize yourself with the distribution. ## FAQ 1. **Is the Fedora 40 Playground free to use?** Yes, the Fedora 40 Playground provided by GetVM is a free online environment for users to explore and learn about Fedora 40. 2. **How long can I use the Fedora 40 Playground?** The Fedora 40 Playground is available for a limited time, typically a few hours or until the session expires. Users can access the Playground multiple times, but the environment is not persistent. 3. **Can I save my work in the Fedora 40 Playground?** No, the Fedora 40 Playground is a temporary environment, and any changes or files created during the session will not be saved. It is recommended to use the Playground for exploration and learning purposes, not for long-term projects. 4. **Is the Fedora 40 Playground suitable for advanced users?** Yes, the Fedora 40 Playground can be beneficial for both beginner and advanced users. Beginners can use it to familiarize themselves with Fedora 40, while advanced users can use it to test new software, configurations, or commands in a safe and controlled environment. ## Discord Welcome to the GetVM Discord server! You can ask questions, share your projects, and get help from the community. Join us at [](
CentOS 7 Playground

CentOS 7 Playground

Operating Systems
## Introduction CentOS 7 is a free and open-source Linux distribution based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL). It is widely used in server and enterprise environments due to its stability, security, and extensive community support. ## Quick Start The CentOS 7 Playground provided by GetVM offers a free online environment for users to learn and practice with the CentOS 7 operating system. To get started: 1. Access the CentOS 7 Playground on the GetVM website. 2. You will be presented with a pre-configured CentOS 7 virtual machine environment. 3. Use the provided terminal or web-based tools to explore, configure, and practice with CentOS 7. 4. The Playground environment is reset after each session, allowing you to start fresh with each use. ## FAQ 1. **What features are available in the CentOS 7 Playground?** - The Playground provides a fully functional CentOS 7 environment with a terminal, web-based tools, and access to common CentOS 7 utilities and applications. - Users can practice system administration tasks, software installation, configuration, and more in a safe, isolated environment. 2. **Is the CentOS 7 Playground free to use?** - Yes, the CentOS 7 Playground is provided by GetVM as a free, online learning resource. 3. **How long can I use the CentOS 7 Playground?** - The Playground environment is reset after each session, allowing you to start fresh with each use. There is no time limit for using the Playground. 4. **Can I save my work in the CentOS 7 Playground?** - No, the Playground environment is reset after each session, so any changes or work you do will not be saved. It is recommended to use the Playground for learning and exploration, not for long-term projects. ## Discord Welcome to the GetVM Discord server! You can ask questions, share your projects, and get help from the community. Join us at [](
Ubuntu 22.04 Playground

Ubuntu 22.04 Playground

Operating Systems
## Introduction Ubuntu 22.04 is the latest long-term support (LTS) release of the Ubuntu operating system, a popular Linux distribution known for its user-friendliness, security, and wide range of applications. It was released in April 2022 and is supported with security and maintenance updates until 2027. ## Quick Start The GetVM website provides a free online Ubuntu 22.04 Playground environment, allowing users to explore and practice with the Ubuntu 22.04 operating system directly in their web browser, without the need to install anything on their local machine. To use the Ubuntu 22.04 Playground, simply visit the GetVM website and click on the "Ubuntu 22.04" option. This will launch a pre-configured Ubuntu 22.04 environment where you can start exploring the operating system, running commands, and testing applications. The Playground environment includes a full-featured terminal, allowing you to navigate the file system, install packages, and run various Linux commands and utilities. You can also access text editors, development tools, and other applications directly within the Playground. ## FAQ 1. **Is the Ubuntu 22.04 Playground free to use?** Yes, the Ubuntu 22.04 Playground provided by GetVM is completely free to use. 2. **How long can I use the Ubuntu 22.04 Playground?** The Playground environment is available for as long as you need it. There are no time limits or restrictions on the duration of use. 3. **Can I save my work in the Ubuntu 22.04 Playground?** The Playground environment is designed for temporary use and does not persist any changes or files you create. It is recommended to save your work locally or use cloud-based storage solutions if you need to access your files later. 4. **What are the system requirements for the Ubuntu 22.04 Playground?** The Ubuntu 22.04 Playground is a web-based environment, so it only requires a modern web browser and an internet connection to use. There are no specific hardware requirements for the user's local machine. 5. **Can I install additional software in the Ubuntu 22.04 Playground?** Yes, you can install additional software packages in the Playground environment using the standard Ubuntu package management tools, such as `apt` or `snap`. ## Discord Welcome to the GetVM Discord server! You can ask questions, share your projects, and get help from the community. Join us at [](
SQLite Browser Playground

SQLite Browser Playground

## Introduction SQLite Browser is a free, open-source, and lightweight application that allows users to view, query, create, and manage SQLite database files. It provides a user-friendly graphical interface for working with SQLite databases, making it easier for developers, database administrators, and even casual users to interact with their data. ## Quick Start The SQLite Browser Playground on GetVM provides a Linux-based online environment for users to explore and practice working with SQLite databases. To get started: 1. Access the SQLite Browser Playground on the GetVM website. 2. The playground will provide a pre-configured SQLite database for you to work with. 3. Use the SQLite Browser interface to browse the database, execute SQL queries, and perform various operations such as creating, editing, and deleting data. 4. Experiment with the different features and functionalities of SQLite Browser to become more familiar with the tool. ## FAQ 1. **What are the system requirements for using the SQLite Browser Playground?** - The SQLite Browser Playground is a web-based application, so it can be accessed from any device with a modern web browser. 2. **Can I save my work in the SQLite Browser Playground?** - The SQLite Browser Playground is a temporary environment, so any changes or data you create will not be saved permanently. It's recommended to download or export your work if you want to keep it. 3. **Is the SQLite Browser Playground free to use?** - Yes, the SQLite Browser Playground is provided as a free resource by GetVM for users to learn and practice working with SQLite databases. 4. **Can I use the SQLite Browser Playground to work with my own SQLite databases?** - The SQLite Browser Playground provides a pre-configured database for you to use. If you want to work with your own SQLite database, you'll need to upload or create it within the playground environment. ## Discord Welcome to the GetVM Discord server! You can ask questions, share your projects, and get help from the community. Join us at [](
MongoDB Playground

MongoDB Playground

## Introduction MongoDB is a popular open-source NoSQL database management system that stores data in flexible, JSON-like documents. It is designed to be scalable, high-performance, and easy to use, making it a popular choice for a wide range of applications. ## Quick Start The MongoDB Playground provided by GetVM website offers a free online environment for users to learn and practice working with MongoDB. To get started with the MongoDB Playground: 1. Access the MongoDB Playground on the GetVM website. 2. The Playground provides a Linux-based environment with MongoDB pre-installed and configured. 3. You can start exploring MongoDB commands and functionality directly in the Playground's terminal or code editor. 4. The Playground allows you to create, query, and manipulate MongoDB databases and collections, providing a hands-on learning experience. 5. You can experiment with various MongoDB features and commands, such as CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations, indexing, aggregation, and more. ## FAQ 1. **What is the purpose of the MongoDB Playground?** The MongoDB Playground is a free online environment provided by GetVM that allows users to learn and practice working with MongoDB without the need to set up a local MongoDB instance. 2. **What operating system is the MongoDB Playground based on?** The MongoDB Playground is based on a Linux operating system. 3. **Can I save my work in the MongoDB Playground?** The MongoDB Playground is a temporary environment, and any changes or data created within it will not be saved. It is recommended to use the Playground for learning and experimentation purposes only. 4. **Is the MongoDB Playground suitable for production use?** No, the MongoDB Playground is not intended for production use. It is a learning and practice environment and should not be used for running critical applications or storing important data. 5. **Are there any limitations or restrictions in the MongoDB Playground?** The MongoDB Playground may have certain limitations or restrictions compared to a full-fledged MongoDB deployment, such as resource constraints or limited functionality. It is primarily designed for educational and learning purposes. ## Discord Welcome to the GetVM Discord server! You can ask questions, share your projects, and get help from the community. Join us at [](
PostgreSQL Playground

PostgreSQL Playground

## Introduction PostgreSQL, often referred to as Postgres, is a powerful, open-source object-relational database management system (ORDBMS) that is widely used for its reliability, data integrity, and robust feature set. It is known for its advanced SQL support, transaction processing, and extensive ecosystem of extensions and tools. ## Quick Start The Postgres SQL Playground provided by GetVM website offers a free, online environment based on the Linux operating system, allowing users to easily learn and practice working with PostgreSQL. To get started: 1. Access the Postgres SQL Playground on the GetVM website. 2. The playground will provide a pre-configured PostgreSQL instance, ready for you to explore. 3. Use the provided SQL editor to write and execute SQL queries, create tables, insert data, and perform various database operations. 4. The playground environment ensures a safe and isolated space for you to experiment and learn without the need to set up a local PostgreSQL server. ## FAQ 1. **What features are available in the Postgres SQL Playground?** The playground provides a full-featured PostgreSQL instance, including support for SQL queries, table creation, data manipulation, and more. Users can explore the database, practice their SQL skills, and experiment with PostgreSQL features. 2. **Is the Postgres SQL Playground free to use?** Yes, the Postgres SQL Playground is a free-to-use online environment provided by GetVM. 3. **Can I save my work in the Postgres SQL Playground?** The playground is designed for temporary, hands-on learning and exploration. Any changes or data you create within the playground will not be persisted between sessions. It is recommended to save your work externally if you need to access it later. 4. **Is the Postgres SQL Playground suitable for production use?** No, the Postgres SQL Playground is not intended for production use. It is a learning and experimentation environment, and should not be used for hosting or running critical applications or databases. ## Discord Welcome to the GetVM Discord server! You can ask questions, share your projects, and get help from the community. Join us at [](
Redis Playground

Redis Playground

## Introduction Redis (Remote Dictionary Server) is an open-source, in-memory data structure store that is used as a database, cache, and message broker. It supports various data structures such as strings, hashes, lists, sets, and more. Redis is known for its speed, simplicity, and versatility, making it a popular choice for a wide range of applications. ## Quick Start The Redis Playground provided by GetVM website offers a free online environment to learn and practice using Redis on a Linux operating system. To get started: 1. Access the Redis Playground on the GetVM website. 2. The Playground will provide a pre-configured Redis server environment, including a command-line interface (CLI) where you can interact with Redis. 3. Use the Redis CLI to explore various Redis commands and data structures. For example, you can try the following: - `SET key value`: Store a key-value pair in Redis. - `GET key`: Retrieve the value of a given key. - `LPUSH list-key value`: Add an element to the beginning of a list. - `LRANGE list-key 0 -1`: Retrieve all elements from a list. The Redis Playground allows you to experiment with Redis without the need to set up a local environment, making it a convenient tool for learning and testing. ## FAQ 1. **What is the purpose of the Redis Playground?** The Redis Playground is a free online environment provided by GetVM to help users learn and practice using Redis, a popular open-source in-memory data structure store. 2. **What features are available in the Redis Playground?** The Redis Playground provides a pre-configured Redis server environment with a command-line interface (CLI) where users can interact with Redis and explore its various data structures and commands. 3. **Is the Redis Playground available for free?** Yes, the Redis Playground is a free-to-use online environment provided by GetVM. 4. **Do I need to install anything to use the Redis Playground?** No, the Redis Playground is a web-based environment, so you can access and use it directly through your web browser without the need to install any additional software. 5. **Can I save my work or progress in the Redis Playground?** The Redis Playground is a temporary environment, so any data or changes you make will not be saved. It is intended for learning and experimentation purposes. ## Discord Welcome to the GetVM Discord server! You can ask questions, share your projects, and get help from the community. Join us at [](
MySQL Playground

MySQL Playground

## Introduction MySQL is a popular open-source relational database management system (RDBMS) that is widely used for web applications, e-commerce platforms, and data analytics. It is known for its reliability, performance, and scalability. ## Quick Start The MySQL Playground provided by GetVM website offers a free online environment for users to learn and practice MySQL. To get started: 1. Access the MySQL Playground on the GetVM website. 2. The Playground provides a pre-configured Linux environment with MySQL already installed. 3. You can start writing and executing SQL queries in the provided interface. 4. Explore the various MySQL commands and features to practice your skills. 5. The Playground allows you to experiment with different database operations, such as creating tables, inserting data, querying, and managing user permissions. ## FAQ 1. **What is the purpose of the MySQL Playground?** The MySQL Playground is a free online environment designed to help users learn and practice MySQL without the need to set up a local database server. 2. **What operating system is the MySQL Playground based on?** The MySQL Playground is based on a Linux operating system. 3. **Can I save my work in the MySQL Playground?** The MySQL Playground is a temporary environment, and any changes or data you create will not be saved. It is recommended to use the Playground for learning and experimentation purposes. 4. **Are there any limitations in the MySQL Playground?** The MySQL Playground may have some limitations in terms of resources or features compared to a production-ready MySQL server. However, it provides a sufficient environment for learning and practicing basic MySQL operations. 5. **Is the MySQL Playground suitable for advanced users?** The MySQL Playground is primarily designed for beginners and intermediate users to learn and practice MySQL. Advanced users may find the Playground useful for quick testing or demonstration purposes, but it may not provide the full functionality of a production-ready MySQL server. ## Discord Welcome to the GetVM Discord server! You can ask questions, share your projects, and get help from the community. Join us at [](