Build Your Own Shell | Programming Workshop


Dive into the inner workings of a shell and learn how to build your own personalized shell with a custom prompt. Suitable for developers who want to explore shell internals.

Technical TutorialsCShell ScriptingUnix


Most of us use a shell, at least once in a while. Some spend most of their time in one. Often we take it for granted, not knowing or caring how it does what it does. In this workshop, we'll delve a little into that by building our very own shell!



  • Focus on how processes are launched and how their IO can be controlled with pipes
  • Leave out details like memory management, parsing and tokenizing, and error handling
  • Build a personalized shell with a custom prompt


This course is a great opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of how shells work under the hood. It's suitable for developers who want to explore the inner workings of a shell and learn how to build their own.

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