Learn Spark | Data Engineering, Machine Learning


Master Spark for data cleaning, aggregation, and building ML models. Hands-on projects, practical insights from industry experts.

Video CoursesBig DataSpark


Learn Spark by David Drummond and Judit Lantos


  • Learn to use Spark for cleaning and aggregating data
  • Explore Spark's ML capabilities and build ML models and pipelines
  • Run Spark on a distributed cluster in AWS UI and AWS CLI
  • Learn best practices for debugging and optimizing your Spark applications


This course is suitable for those who want to learn Spark and its applications in data engineering and machine learning. The course is taught by industry experts, David Drummond and Judit Lantos, who provide hands-on experience and practical insights. The course also includes projects based on real-world scenarios, allowing learners to apply their skills to practical situations and gain valuable experience.

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