Theory of Computing | Cornell University Graduate Course

Cornell University

Explore the power of efficient computation with this comprehensive graduate course in complexity theory from Cornell University.

University CoursesAlgorithm


This graduate course gives a broad introduction to complexity theory, including classical results and recent developments. Complexity theory aims to understand the power of efficient computation (when computational resources like time and space are limited). Many compelling conceptual questions arise in this context. Most of these questions are (surprisingly?) difficult and far from being resolved. Nevertheless, a lot of progress has been made toward understanding them (and also why they are difficult).



  • Covers classical results and recent developments in complexity theory
  • Focuses on understanding the power of efficient computation
  • Explores compelling conceptual questions in complexity theory
  • Includes topics like combinatorial constructions with random-like properties, e.g., expander graphs and error-correcting codes


This course is recommended for graduate students interested in a broad introduction to complexity theory and its recent advances. It provides an opportunity to delve into the fundamental questions and challenges in this field, which are both intellectually stimulating and practically relevant.

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