Compiler Design: Theory, Tools, and Examples, C/C++ Edition

Seth D. Bergmann

Comprehensive course on compiler design, covering theory, tools, and practical C/C++ examples. Explore lexical analysis, syntax analysis, and code generation.

Technical TutorialsCC++Compiler


This course provides a comprehensive study of compiler design, covering the theory, tools, and practical examples in the context of C/C++ programming. It explores the fundamental phases of a compiler, including lexical analysis, syntax analysis, and code generation, while also discussing implementation techniques and case studies.


  • In-depth coverage of compiler design theory and practical implementation
  • Extensive use of C/C++ programming examples and case studies
  • Exploration of various compiler design tools and techniques
  • Detailed coverage of lexical analysis, syntax analysis, and code generation


This course is highly recommended for students and professionals interested in understanding the inner workings of compilers and developing their own compiler-related projects. It provides a solid foundation in compiler design principles and equips learners with the necessary skills to design and implement their own compilers.

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