Code your own blockchain in less than 200 lines of Go

Learn to build a blockchain in less than 200 lines of Go code. Understand hashing, block creation, and blockchain fundamentals. A great way to demystify blockchain technology.

Technical TutorialsBlockchainGo


A beginners guide to building a blockchain using Go programming language in less than 200 lines of code.


  • Create your own blockchain
  • Understand how hashing works in maintaining integrity of the blockchain
  • See how new blocks get added
  • See how tiebreakers get resolved when multiple nodes generate blocks
  • View your blockchain in a web browser
  • Write new blocks
  • Get a foundational understanding of the blockchain


This tutorial is a great way to demystify the blockchain by helping you write your own simple blockchain in Go, with less than 200 lines of code. By the end of this tutorial, you'll be able to run and write to a blockchain locally and view it in a web browser, providing a solid foundation for further blockchain development.

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