Build Your Own Redis from Scratch

Comprehensive guide to building and understanding the Redis database system. Gain exposure to data structures, system programming, and C programming fundamentals.

Technical TutorialsCRedis


Build Your Own Redis from Scratch is a comprehensive guide to building and understanding the Redis database system. This book provides insights into database design, software development, and distributed systems.


  • Gain exposure to basic data structures and system programming, which are often overlooked by developers
  • Learn by doing, as the book guides you through small steps to build your own Redis from scratch
  • Explore the fundamentals of C programming, which is widely used for system programming and infrastructure software


This course is recommended for developers who want to deepen their understanding of database systems, software development, and low-level programming concepts. By building your own Redis from scratch, you can develop a stronger grasp of the underlying principles and inner workings of a popular database system.

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