Build a Quiz App with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript | Comprehensive Guide
James Quick
Learn to build a quiz app using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, including ES6 features, Fetch API, Local Storage, Flexbox, Animations, and more.
Video CoursesCSSHTMLJavaScriptWeb Development
A comprehensive guide to building a quiz app using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, authored by James Quick.
ES6 JavaScript features like arrow functions, the spread operator, const and let, and template literal string
how to use the Fetch API to load trivia questions from an API
how to store high scores in Local Storage
how to use Flexbox, Animations, and REM units in CSS
how to create a progress bar from scratch
how to create a spinning loader icon from scratch
Not for a total beginner, participants should prepare some knowledge before joining the course, or the author should be documented some materials first. But the content is good for who knew a few concepts in JS (ES6) and these videos are great!
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