Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment | System-Level Software Development

Develop complex system-level software in C while gaining an intimate understanding of the Unix operating system and its programming environment.

University CoursesCOperating SystemUnix


In this course, students will learn to develop complex system-level software in the C programming language while gaining an intimate understanding of the Unix operating system and its programming environment.



  • Covers fundamental concepts of Unix, including the user/kernel interface, user authentication, I/O, file systems, signals, process relationships, and interprocess communication
  • Focuses on software development and maintenance tools on Unix systems, such as "make" and "gdb"
  • Requires a good working knowledge of C programming and prior experience with Unix systems


This course is recommended for students who have a strong background in C programming and a desire to deepen their understanding of the Unix operating system and its programming environment. It is not an introductory course, and students are expected to be able to competently use a Unix system from the command line.

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