Java Projects, Second Edition

Peter Verhas

Comprehensive guide covering Java projects, algorithms, OOP, and professional development practices. Valuable for both beginner and experienced Java developers.

Technical TutorialsJavaObject-Oriented Programming


This book is a comprehensive guide that covers Java projects, algorithms, object-oriented programming principles, tools surrounding Java development, and how professionals work. The author not only teaches the Java language but also provides insights into the broader landscape of software development.



  • Covers topics beyond just the Java language, including algorithms, object-oriented programming, and professional development practices
  • Discusses the history and future of Java, comparing it to other modern programming languages
  • Explains the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and its importance in the enterprise software ecosystem


This book is recommended for both beginner and experienced Java developers who want to deepen their understanding of the language and its surrounding ecosystem. It provides a well-rounded approach to learning Java, making it a valuable resource for anyone looking to become a professional Java developer.

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