Advanced Data Structures | MIT 6.851 Course


Explore cutting-edge data structures and their applications in computer science with MIT's 6.851 Advanced Data Structures course.

University CoursesAlgorithmData Structures


This is an advanced DS course, you must be done with the Advanced Algorithms course before attempting this one.



  • Time Travel: We can remember the past efficiently (a technique called persistence), but in general it's difficult to change the past and see the outcomes on the present (retroactivity).
  • Geometry: When data has more than one dimension (e.g. maps, database tables).
  • Dynamic Optimality: Is there one binary search tree that's as good as all others? We still don't know, but we're close.
  • Memory Hierarchy: Real computers have multiple levels of caches. We can optimize the number of cache misses, often without even knowing the size of the cache.
  • Hashing: Hashing is the most used data structure in computer science. And it's still an active area of research.
  • Integers: Logarithmic time is too easy. By careful analysis of the information you're dealing with, you can often reduce the operation times substantially, sometimes even to constant.
  • Dynamic Graphs: A network link went down, or you just added or deleted a friend in a social network. We can still maintain essential information about the connectivity as it changes.
  • Strings: Searching for phrases in giant text (think Google or DNA).
  • Succinct: Most "linear size" data structures you know are much larger than they need to be, often by an order of magnitude. Some data structures require almost no space beyond the raw data but are still fast (think heaps, but much cooler).


This course covers major results and current research directions in data structures, making it a great choice for those interested in advanced data structures and their applications in computer science.

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