Koa.js Playground

Koa.js Playground

Beta Frameworks and Libraries

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React Playground

React Playground

Beta Frameworks and Libraries
## Introduction React is a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It allows developers to create reusable UI components and efficiently manage the state of those components. ## Quick Start To use the React Playground on GetVM website, follow these steps: 1. Go to the GetVM website and navigate to the React Playground. 2. The Playground provides a pre-configured Linux environment with React already set up. 3. In the code editor, you can write and experiment with React code. 4. The Playground automatically compiles and runs your React code, allowing you to see the results in the browser. 5. You can also save your code and come back to it later to continue your learning and practice. ## FAQ 1. **What features does the React Playground offer?** The React Playground provides a fully-functional development environment for learning and practicing React. It includes a code editor, a live preview, and the ability to save and load your code. 2. **Is the React Playground free to use?** Yes, the React Playground on the GetVM website is free to use, but with limited internet access. Pro users have access to 5GB of persistent storage to save their code and files. 3. **Do I need to install anything to use the React Playground?** No, the React Playground is a web-based tool, so you don't need to install anything on your local machine. You can access it directly from the GetVM website. 4. **Can I use the React Playground on any device?** Yes, the React Playground is accessible from any device with a web browser, such as a computer, tablet, or smartphone. 5. **What if I encounter issues while using the React Playground?** If you encounter any issues or have questions about the React Playground, you can contact the GetVM support team for assistance. ## Discord Welcome to the GetVM Discord server! You can ask questions, share your projects, and get help from the community. Join us at [https://discord.gg/XxKAAFWVNu](https://discord.gg/XxKAAFWVNu)
Redux Playground

Redux Playground

Beta Frameworks and Libraries
## Introduction Redux is a predictable state container for JavaScript applications. It helps you write applications that behave consistently, run in different environments (client, server, and native), and are easy to test. Redux is most commonly used with libraries like React or Angular for building user interfaces, but it can be used with any other JavaScript framework or library. ## Quick Start The Redux Playground on the GetVM website provides a free online environment (based on the Linux operating system) to help users better learn and practice Redux. To use the Redux Playground: 1. Go to the GetVM website and access the Redux Playground. 2. The playground provides a pre-configured environment with all the necessary tools and libraries to start working with Redux. 3. You can write and execute your Redux code directly in the browser-based IDE. 4. The playground also includes sample code and tutorials to help you get started with Redux. 5. You can experiment with different Redux concepts, such as actions, reducers, and the store, and see the immediate results in the playground. ## FAQ 1. **What is the purpose of the Redux Playground?** The Redux Playground is designed to provide a convenient and accessible way for users to learn and experiment with Redux without the need to set up a local development environment. 2. **Is the Redux Playground free to use?** Yes, the Redux Playground on the GetVM website is a free-to-use online environment. However, there are limitations on the free plan, such as no internet access and a default VM usage time of 30 minutes. Pro users have access to 5GB of persistent storage to save their code and files. 3. **What programming language is used in the Redux Playground?** The Redux Playground is based on the JavaScript programming language, as Redux is a JavaScript library. 4. **Can I save my work in the Redux Playground?** The Redux Playground is a browser-based environment, so any work done within it is not automatically saved. Users should be prepared to download or copy their code if they want to save their work. Pro users have access to 5GB of persistent storage to save their files. 5. **Are there any limitations or restrictions in the Redux Playground?** The Redux Playground is a limited environment, so users may not have access to all the features and tools available in a full-fledged development setup. However, it provides a great starting point for learning and experimenting with Redux. The free plan has restrictions such as no internet access and a default VM usage time of 30 minutes. Pro users have access to higher configurations and persistent storage. ## Discord Welcome to the GetVM Discord server! You can ask questions, share your projects, and get help from the community. Join us at [https://discord.gg/XxKAAFWVNu](https://discord.gg/XxKAAFWVNu)
React Native Playground

React Native Playground

Beta Frameworks and Libraries
## Introduction React Native is a popular open-source framework for building native mobile applications using JavaScript and React. It allows developers to create high-performance, cross-platform mobile apps that feel and perform like native apps, without the need to write platform-specific code. ## Quick Start The React Native Playground provided by GetVM offers a free online environment to learn and practice React Native development on a Linux operating system. To get started: 1. Access the React Native Playground on the GetVM website. 2. The playground provides a pre-configured development environment with React Native and necessary tools installed. 3. Start by exploring the sample code or create a new React Native project. 4. Use the provided tools and features to build, test, and preview your React Native application. 5. The playground allows you to write code, run the app, and see the results in real-time, making it a great tool for learning and experimentation. ## Features - The playground provides a pre-configured development environment with 1 core and 2GB RAM, and storage up to 10GB. - VMs can be used for a default time of 30 minutes, with a reminder after 20 minutes. Pro users have 5GB of persistent storage to save their code and files. - Internet access is restricted on the Free plan to prevent misuse, but Pro users can access the internet. - VMs should be used for learning and experimentation within resource limits, and users should avoid misusing VM resources or engaging in illegal activities. ## FAQ 1. **What features are available in the React Native Playground?** - The playground provides a pre-configured development environment with React Native and necessary tools installed. - It allows you to write code, run the app, and see the results in real-time. - You can explore sample code or create a new React Native project. 2. **Is the React Native Playground free to use?** - Yes, the React Native Playground provided by GetVM is a free online environment for learning and practicing React Native development. 3. **What operating system is the React Native Playground based on?** - The React Native Playground is based on a Linux operating system. 4. **Can I save my work in the React Native Playground?** - With the Pro plan, you have access to 5GB of persistent storage to save your code and files. Any files saved in the /home/getvm/project/storage directory will be preserved and accessible across VMs. ## Discord Welcome to the GetVM Discord server! You can ask questions, share your projects, and get help from the community. Join us at [https://discord.gg/XxKAAFWVNu](https://discord.gg/XxKAAFWVNu)
Angular Playground

Angular Playground

Beta Frameworks and Libraries
## Introduction Angular is a popular open-source web application framework developed and maintained by Google. It is used for building single-page applications (SPAs) and other web applications. ## Quick Start To use the Angular Playground on the GetVM website, follow these steps: 1. Visit the GetVM website and navigate to the Angular Playground. 2. The Playground provides a pre-configured Linux environment with Angular already set up. 3. You can start writing and testing your Angular code directly in the Playground's code editor. 4. The Playground also provides a built-in terminal where you can run Angular commands, such as `ng serve` to start the development server. 5. As you make changes to your code, the Playground will automatically refresh the application in the preview window. ## Features - The GetVM Angular Playground offers Container-based VMs with 1 core and 2GB RAM, and storage up to 10GB. - VMs can be used for a default time of 30 minutes, with a reminder after 20 minutes. Pro users have 5GB of persistent storage to save their code and files. - Subscriptions can be canceled at any time, and users will retain access until the end of their billing period. - The Free plan restricts internet access to prevent misuse, ensuring a safe and reliable service for all users. - Pro users can access 5GB of persistent storage, which is automatically mounted to the `/home/getvm/project/storage` directory on VM startup. ## FAQ 1. **What is the purpose of the Angular Playground?** The Angular Playground is a free online environment provided by GetVM that allows users to learn and practice Angular without the need to set up a local development environment. 2. **What features does the Angular Playground offer?** The Angular Playground provides a pre-configured Linux environment with Angular already set up. It includes a code editor, a built-in terminal, and a preview window to see the running application. It also offers various configuration options and persistent storage for Pro users. 3. **Is the Angular Playground only available on the GetVM website?** Yes, the Angular Playground is currently only available on the GetVM website. 4. **Can I save my work in the Angular Playground?** The Angular Playground is a temporary environment, so any work you do in the Playground will not be saved automatically. However, Pro users have access to 5GB of persistent storage to save their code and files. 5. **Is the Angular Playground suitable for advanced development?** The Angular Playground is primarily designed for learning and experimenting with Angular. For more advanced development, users may need to set up a local development environment with additional tools and configurations. ## Discord Welcome to the GetVM Discord server! You can ask questions, share your projects, and get help from the community. Join us at [https://discord.gg/XxKAAFWVNu](https://discord.gg/XxKAAFWVNu)
Next.js Playground

Next.js Playground

Beta Frameworks and Libraries
## Introduction Next.js is a popular React framework that enables server-side rendering, static site generation, and other advanced features for building modern web applications. The Next.js Playground provided by GetVM offers a free online environment based on the Linux operating system, allowing users to learn and practice with Next.js. ## Quick Start To use the Next.js Playground, follow these steps: 1. Access the Next.js Playground on the GetVM website. 2. The playground provides a pre-configured development environment with Next.js already set up. 3. You can start writing your Next.js code in the provided code editor and see the live preview of your application. 4. Experiment with different Next.js features, such as pages, components, and API routes, and observe the changes in the preview. 5. The playground also includes various tools and utilities to help you with your Next.js development process. ## FAQ 1. **What are the system requirements for the Next.js Playground?** - The Next.js Playground is a cloud-based environment, so there are no specific system requirements. You can access it from any device with a web browser. 2. **Can I save my work in the Next.js Playground?** - The Next.js Playground provides 30 minutes of default usage time, and Pro users have access to 5GB of persistent storage to save their code and files. 3. **Is the Next.js Playground free to use?** - Yes, the Next.js Playground provided by GetVM is free to use, with a Pro plan available for additional features. 4. **Can I deploy my Next.js application from the playground?** - The Next.js Playground is primarily for learning and testing purposes. To deploy your Next.js application, you will need to set up your own hosting environment or use a deployment platform. ## Discord Welcome to the GetVM Discord server! You can ask questions, share your projects, and get help from the community. Join us at [https://discord.gg/XxKAAFWVNu](https://discord.gg/XxKAAFWVNu)
Django Playground

Django Playground

Frameworks and Libraries
## Introduction Django is a high-level Python web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design. It was developed in 2003 by a team of developers at the Lawrence Journal-World newspaper and was released publicly in 2005. ## Quick Start The Django Playground on the GetVM website provides a free online environment (based on the Linux operating system) to help users better learn and practice Django. The VMs provided have 1 core and 2GB RAM, with up to 10GB of storage. Pro users have access to 5GB of persistent storage to save their code and files. To use the Django Playground: 1. Go to the GetVM website and access the Django Playground. 2. You will be provided with a pre-configured Linux environment with Django already installed. 3. You can start writing and running Django code directly in the browser-based terminal. 4. Experiment with Django features, create new projects, and explore the framework's capabilities. VMs can be used for a default time of 30 minutes, with a reminder after 20 minutes. Pro users can cancel their subscription at any time, and they'll retain access until the end of their billing period. ## FAQ 1. **What features are available in the Django Playground?** The Django Playground provides a fully functional Django environment, including the ability to create new projects, run the development server, and test your Django applications. 2. **Is the Django Playground free to use?** Yes, the Django Playground on the GetVM website is completely free to use. However, the Free plan has restricted internet access to prevent misuse. 3. **Can I save my work in the Django Playground?** The Django Playground is a temporary environment, so any work you do will not be saved. It's recommended to use the Playground for learning and experimentation, and then transfer your code to a local development environment for further development and deployment. Pro users have access to 5GB of persistent storage to save their files. 4. **Do I need any prior experience with Django to use the Playground?** No, the Django Playground is designed for both beginners and experienced Django developers. It provides a convenient way to quickly start learning and experimenting with the Django framework. ## Discord Welcome to the GetVM Discord server! You can ask questions, share your projects, and get help from the community. Join us at [https://discord.gg/XxKAAFWVNu](https://discord.gg/XxKAAFWVNu)